Special wood types for flutes, fifes & piccolos (headjoints and bodies)
African Blackwood is the standard wood we use for our flutes, fifes & picclos.
Pink ivory and Olive Wood are two of the most popular specialty wood types we offer for fifes and piccolos. It's very common for our clients to order an instrument with either a specialty wood headjoint or body, or order seperate specialty wood instrument components on their own. Feel free to contact Skip Healy if you have any questions about ordering specialty wood instrument components.
Available Woods (Ask for price quotes & availability):
-- African Blackwood (Standard for Flute, Fife & Piccolo)
-- Cooktown Ironwood (Flute only)
-- Olivewood (Fife & Piccolo only)
-- Amistad Purple Heart (Freedom Fife only)
-- Ebony (Flute, Fife & Piccolo)
-- Pink Ivory (Fife & Piccolo only)
If you have questions about instruments and special wood types, please contact Skip Healy.